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Cosmetic Dentist – Fairfax, VA

Transformed Worn Teeth into Gorgeous Smiles

If you are not 100% satisfied with the appearance of your smile, it’s time to do something about those imperfect teeth. And there’s good news — cosmetic dentistry in Fairfax, VA can provide the solution you need to grin with full confidence. Drs. Brenda Young and Marjun Ayati offer a range of popular cosmetic treatments, from Invisalign clear braces to porcelain veneers and more. Keep reading to find out how we can help you love your smile once again! Patients from Fairfax, Merrifield, Annandale, George Mason, Vienna, and all surrounding communities are welcome to our state-of-the-art dental office.

Invisalign® Clear Braces

Clear Invisalign alignment tray for cosmetic dentistry in fairfax

Invisalign offers an alternative to metal braces for adults and older teens who wish for a more subtle orthodontic treatment. A series of clear plastic aligners can gradually reposition the teeth over the course of 12 to 18 months, on average. Removability adds even more convenience to this treatment option!

Learn More About Invisalign® Clear Braces

Porcelain Veneers

Closeup of beautiful smile after porcelain veneer treatment

Patients who wish for a dramatic smile transformation can benefit from porcelain veneers. These thin coverings are manufactured from dental porcelain, a material that reflects light in the same manner as your natural enamel. What’s more, veneers are customized to fit the precise size, shape, and color that suits your features best — to create a totally natural appearance that we know you will appreciate. Porcelain veneers are placed over the course of two visits to our dental office.

Learn More About Porcelain Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Man with healthy attractive smile after metal free dental restoration

If you have a damaged or decayed front tooth, you need a restorative solution that blends strength and beauty. Fortunately, metal-free restorations fit the bill! Your cosmetic dentist can have a beautiful ceramic/porcelain crown, bridge, inlay, or onlay manufactured to renew the form and function of your smile at the same time.

Learn More About Metal-Free Restorations

Dental Bonding

Woman with flawless smile after dental bonding

Direct bonding is a noninvasive cosmetic treatment that your dentist may recommend for imperfect or damaged tooth enamel that is visible when you smile. With the same composite resin used for tooth-colored fillings, your cosmetic dentist can artistically sculpt a new shape for your tooth in a single appointment. The composite resin is applied, reshaped according to your needs, and then hardened under a special light. Direct bonding offers many patients an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.

Learn More About Direct Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Closeup of teeth before and after cosmetic dental treatment teeth whitening

If, like many adults, you have noticed your tooth enamel getting darker over time, there is a wonderful solution available from your dentist. At Fairfax Dental Group, we are pleased to offer in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments with Opalescence and Zoom! Whitening so you can whiten at the pace you’re most comfortable with.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring

Smiling man and woman outdoors after gum recontouring

Having a beautiful smile is about more than just your teeth. Patients who have excessive gum tissue or an uneven gumline know that the periodontal tissue also plays a significant role. If you are unhappy with your smile due to the appearance of your gums, your cosmetic dentist can help with gum recontouring. Using modern tools and methods, we can precisely remove any excess tissue and leave just what needs to stay for your most beautiful smile.

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Woman smiling while giving thumbs up in dental chair

There’s no need to worry about the cost of cosmetic dentistry in Fairfax! At Fairfax Dental Group, we will always consider your needs and help you navigate pricing. There are many different cosmetic services that we have to offer – each with their own price points, helping you achieve various results. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team. Until then, read on to learn more about the cost of cosmetic treatments and how we can give you a priceless smile.

What Cosmetic Dental Service is Right for Me?

Woman smiling while pointing to her teeth

We offer a variety of cosmetic dental services that help patients achieve beautiful, healthy sets of teeth. Each treatment has its own specific use and price. During a consultation, we will discuss your options for cosmetic dentistry, including:

  • Teeth whitening: One of the quickest and most affordable cosmetic services, teeth whitening can brighten the smile up to 8 shades in a single visit. However, it doesn’t correct the size or shape of the teeth.
  • Direct bonding: This option is great for correcting minor flaws and imperfections, but it must be redone every few years, and we can’t use it to fix noticeable issues.
  • Veneers: Veneers are often the most expensive solution, however they are the only treatment that can completely transform the smile. They improve the size, shape, and shade of teeth all at once, plus they can correct the appearance of minor misalignment.
  • Metal-free restorations: We proudly offer metal-free restorations like crowns and tooth-colored fillings. These are sometimes covered by insurance, however they won’t be able to help with various cosmetic flaws.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be An Investment Worth Making

Man in plaid shirt smiling

The initial cost of cosmetic dentistry is typically higher than other services because it is usually not covered by insurance. However, the advantages that it provides allows cosmetic treatments to pay for themselves. A beautiful, healthy smile opens doors in your professional and social life, giving you the confidence to speak and smile in any situation. Studies show that people enjoy more fruitful careers and relationships thanks to a good-looking, white smile. Plus, many cosmetic services make it easier to care for your smile in the future, minimizing your risk of dental issues that will end up costing you more money.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable

Older woman with blonde hair smiling in dental chair

We are committed to making the dental care you need as affordable as possible. That’s why we do everything we can to make cosmetic dentistry fit your budget. We offer flexible payment options, and we partner with CareCredit to provide low-to-no interest financing. You can simply choose the monthly payment plan that works best for you! Plus, we have an in-house dental wellness plan that allows patients to enjoy 15% off most of our amazing services. Please contact us to schedule a consultation. We can’t wait to help you achieve the smile of your dreams!

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Wondering woman has questions for her Fairfax cosmetic dentist

Are you ready to transform your worn teeth into a gorgeous smile? With so many treatments to choose from, it’s natural to have a few questions. During your consultation with your Fairfax cosmetic dentist, we’ll be more than happy to give you all the information you’re looking for. In the meantime, we invite you to look through a few common questions we get about cosmetic dentistry below!

Can Anyone Get Cosmetic Dentistry?

If you’re not happy with your smile, you’re probably a great candidate for cosmetic dentistry. However, your oral health needs to be in good shape before we can set about improving your pearly whites. During your initial visit, we’ll closely inspect your mouth for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or teeth grinding. Oral health issues like these can lead to severe problems if left untreated. Plus, they can make some cosmetic treatments uncomfortable or even influence their success. After we’ve made sure your smile is healthy, we’ll be able to move on with enhancing its appearance.

Is Teeth Whitening Right for Me?

Professional teeth whitening uses powerful whitening agents and advanced dental technology to achieve truly dazzling results. In a single, quick appointment, we can take years of stains and discoloration off of your smile. However, while nearly anyone can benefit from professional teeth whitening, there are some cases that cannot be treated with this service. For instance, discoloration that stems from damage to the inside of the tooth, overexposure to fluoride in childhood, or certain antibiotics typically can’t be lifted with any form of whitening. In these cases, we may recommend treatments like dental bonding or porcelain veneers in order for you to get the brilliant smile you deserve.

Am I Too Old for Braces?

Do you want straighter teeth, but aren’t willing to endure a mouth full of metal wires and bracket to achieve them? Many adults forgo the orthodontic treatment they need simply because traditional braces would distract from their appearance at work, on dates, with friends, or other important aspects of their life. Thankfully, we offer a way for you to straighten your smile without sacrificing your appearance in the meantime with Invisalign! These clear, removable aligners are the easiest and most convenient way to correct misaligned teeth and bites. During your consultation, we’ll look at a variety of factors to see if Invisalign is the most effective way for you to straighten your pearly whites.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Unfortunately, most dental insurance policies don’t cover the cost of cosmetic treatments. However, that doesn’t mean achieving the smile of your dreams isn’t affordable! Our Wellness Plan Membership offers a set of treatments for a single upfront cost as well as 10-15% courtesy on nearly all cosmetic treatments. Additionally, we offer third-party financing through CareCredit. With CareCredit, you can break down the cost of your treatment into several smaller payments that easily fit into your monthly budget.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

So long as you undergo cosmetic dental treatments with a qualified/trained professional, then you should expect your procedure to be completely safe for you and your smile. That said, not every service will be a viable option for every person. Certain treatments can become problematic if you have any underlying/developing oral health issues that haven’t been addressed beforehand. For instance, veneers can help conceal dental imperfections, but if there’s decay on the tooth, it can be much more difficult to treat in the future. That’s why our team will thoroughly examine your oral health and address any problems before moving forward with your cosmetic procedure.

How Do I Know If I Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

Are you entirely confident and proud of your pearly whites? If not, then cosmetic dentistry can be of great benefit to you and your grin. The majority of people struggle with stained or discolored teeth, but instead of using lackluster over-the-counter whitening products, you can undergo professional teeth whitening for safer and more dazzling results. We can also fix mildly chipped/cracked teeth with metal-free restorations or even veneers for a durable and longer-lasting improvement. If you want to enjoy a more youthful smile, cosmetic dentistry can easily come into play, taking years off your grin. Make sure to schedule an initial consultation so your dentist can evaluate your teeth and determine which cosmetic treatment would be best for your situation.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

The lifespan of your cosmetic dentistry results will usually depend on the type of treatment you underwent as well as the level of care you give them. Generally speaking, the more you take care of your teeth, such as practicing oral hygiene every day and visiting your dentist every six months for checkups, the longer you can expect your improvements to last. However, some services naturally go for longer than others. Treatments like teeth whitening and direct bonding, which can be completed relatively quickly, tend to only go for several years before needing touchups. Veneers can improve your smile for 15 years or more with proper maintenance, while Invisalign and gum recontouring can have more lifelong results (the former can last a lifetime if you wear your retainers afterward).

Does Cosmetic Dentistry Hurt?

Your dentist will make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible during your cosmetic dental treatment so that you can have a more enjoyable experience upgrading your teeth. Most services aren’t invasive, so you won’t even require a local anesthetic to remain pain-free. You may require this if you choose to get veneers, as we’ll need to prepare the front side of your affected teeth by removing a small part of the enamel. After certain procedures, like veneers and gum recontouring, it’s natural to feel slightly sore or sensitive. Fortunately, this can easily be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and should only last a few days.

You don’t have to live with dental flaws if you don’t want to! Call us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey towards a brand-new beautiful smile!

We are located in the Yorktown 50 Building, within walking distance of the Mosaic District.